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server URL", "form.api_key.label.description": "एपीआई कुंजी लेबल", "form.submit.loading": "लोड हो रहा है...", "form.submit.saving": "सहेजा जा रहा है...", "time_elapsed.not_yet": "अभी तक नहीं", "time_elapsed.yesterday": "कल", "time_elapsed.now": "बिल्कुल अभी", "time_elapsed.minutes": [ "%d मिनट पहले", "%d मिनट पहले" ], "time_elapsed.hours": [ "%d घंटेभर पहले", "%d घंटो पहले" ], "time_elapsed.days": [ "%d दिन पहले", "%d दिन पहले" ], "time_elapsed.weeks": [ "%d सप्ताह पहले", "%d हफ्तों पहले" ], "time_elapsed.months": [ "%d महीने पहले", "%d महिनो पहले" ], "time_elapsed.years": [ "%d साल पहले", "%d वर्षों पहले" ], "alert.too_many_feeds_refresh": "You have triggered too many feed refreshes. Please wait 30 minutes before trying again.", "alert.background_feed_refresh": "All feeds are being refreshed in the background. You can continue to use Miniflux while this process is running.", "error.http_response_too_large": "The HTTP response is too large. You could increase the HTTP response size limit in the global settings (requires a server restart).", "error.http_body_read": "Unable to read the HTTP body.", "error.http_empty_response_body": "The HTTP response body is empty.", "error.http_empty_response": "The HTTP response is empty. Perhaps, this website is using a bot protection mechanism?", "error.tls_error": "TLS error: %v. You could disable TLS verification in the feed settings if you would like.", "error.network_operation": "Miniflux is not able to reach this website due to a network error: %v.", "error.network_timeout": "This website is too slow and the request timed out: %v", "error.http_client_error": "HTTP client error: %v.", "error.http_not_authorized": "Access to this website is not authorized. It could be a bad username or password.", "error.http_too_many_requests": "Miniflux generated too many requests to this website. Please, try again later or change the application configuration.", "error.http_forbidden": "Access to this website is forbidden. Perhaps, this website has a bot protection mechanism?", "error.http_resource_not_found": "The requested resource is not found. Please, verify the URL.", "error.http_internal_server_error": "The website is not available at the moment due to a server error. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.", "error.http_bad_gateway": "The website is not available at the moment due to a bad gateway error. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.", "error.http_service_unavailable": "The website is not available at the moment due to an internal server error. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.", "error.http_gateway_timeout": "The website is not available at the moment due to a gateway timeout error. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.", "error.http_unexpected_status_code": "The website is not available at the moment due to an unexpected HTTP status code: %d. The problem is not on Miniflux side. Please, try again later.", "error.database_error": "Database error: %v.", "error.category_not_found": "This category does not exist or does not belong to this user.", "error.duplicated_feed": "This feed already exists.", "error.unable_to_parse_feed": "Unable to parse this feed: %v.", "error.feed_not_found": "This feed does not exist or does not belong to this user.", "error.unable_to_detect_rssbridge": "Unable to detect feed using RSS-Bridge: %v.", "error.feed_format_not_detected": "Unable to detect feed format: %v." }