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John Kerry, Catherine Ashton and Mohammad Javad Zarif in Vienna, 22 Nov Doubts on Iran deal as deadline looms

Doubts grow that Monday's deadline for a deal on Iran's nuclear programme will be met at talks in Vienna, as negotiators admit "big gaps" remain.


Man typing on computer keyboard

New web data powers plan for police

A law forcing communications firms to keep details that could help identify criminals using the internet is being planned by the home secretary.


The truth about lemmings

The truth about lemmings

There's more to lemmings than suicide


Due tomorrow? I’ll start tonight

Due tomorrow? I’ll start tonight

Procrastination: why we push things off until the last hour


The Mini, miniaturised

The Mini, miniaturised

The British carmaker unveils the Citysurfer Concept in LA


Hunger Games: Not for real adults

Hunger Games: Not for real adults

The new blockbuster reviewed


How to create a brain implant

How to create a brain implant

…and how can it treat blindness?


‘The party city of Canada’

‘The party city of Canada’

Where 'the vibe edges on the weird side’

Life connected


Is tech transforming language?

Many think texts and tweets are crimes against proper grammar, but linguist Ben Zimmer argues that this misses the point.

the travel show

Regent's Canal

London's 200-year-old hidden canal

Fancy a break from the busy streets of Central London? Take in the city wildlife while cruising down charming, cafe-lined Regent's Canal, a historic waterway that was built by hand.

quirky questions

High roller

The perks of owning a luxury ride

From preferential treatment at the dealership to special consideration on the highway, BBC Autos set out to learn the intangible benefits of buying a big-ticket vehicle.

TV & Radio

World Service Radio

On air now: 14:05 - 15:00 GMT

The Science Hour
Monica Grady from the Open University discusses the latest news from the comet mission.

Next on air: 15:00 - 15:05 GMT

BBC News
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.
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