// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright The Miniflux Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package rewrite // import "miniflux.app/v2/internal/reader/rewrite" import ( "encoding/base64" "fmt" "html" "log/slog" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "miniflux.app/v2/internal/config" "github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery" "github.com/yuin/goldmark" goldmarkhtml "github.com/yuin/goldmark/renderer/html" ) var ( youtubeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`youtube\.com/watch\?v=(.*)`) youtubeIdRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`youtube_id"?\s*[:=]\s*"([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})"`) invidioRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`https?:\/\/(.*)\/watch\?v=(.*)`) imgRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`]+>`) textLinkRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?mi)(\bhttps?:\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])`) ) func addImageTitle(entryURL, entryContent string) string { doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } matches := doc.Find("img[src][title]") if matches.Length() > 0 { matches.Each(func(i int, img *goquery.Selection) { altAttr := img.AttrOr("alt", "") srcAttr, _ := img.Attr("src") titleAttr, _ := img.Attr("title") img.ReplaceWithHtml(`` + html.EscapeString(titleAttr) + ``) }) output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } return entryContent } func addMailtoSubject(entryURL, entryContent string) string { doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } matches := doc.Find(`a[href^="mailto:"]`) if matches.Length() > 0 { matches.Each(func(i int, a *goquery.Selection) { hrefAttr, _ := a.Attr("href") mailto, err := url.Parse(hrefAttr) if err != nil { return } subject := mailto.Query().Get("subject") if subject == "" { return } a.AppendHtml(" [" + html.EscapeString(subject) + "]") }) output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } return entryContent } func addDynamicImage(entryURL, entryContent string) string { doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } // Ordered most preferred to least preferred. candidateAttrs := []string{ "data-src", "data-original", "data-orig", "data-url", "data-orig-file", "data-large-file", "data-medium-file", "data-original-mos", "data-2000src", "data-1000src", "data-800src", "data-655src", "data-500src", "data-380src", } candidateSrcsetAttrs := []string{ "data-srcset", } changed := false doc.Find("img,div").Each(func(i int, img *goquery.Selection) { // Src-linked candidates for _, candidateAttr := range candidateAttrs { if srcAttr, found := img.Attr(candidateAttr); found { changed = true if img.Is("img") { img.SetAttr("src", srcAttr) } else { altAttr := img.AttrOr("alt", "") img.ReplaceWithHtml(``) } break } } // Srcset-linked candidates for _, candidateAttr := range candidateSrcsetAttrs { if srcAttr, found := img.Attr(candidateAttr); found { changed = true if img.Is("img") { img.SetAttr("srcset", srcAttr) } else { altAttr := img.AttrOr("alt", "") img.ReplaceWithHtml(``) } break } } }) if !changed { doc.Find("noscript").Each(func(i int, noscript *goquery.Selection) { matches := imgRegex.FindAllString(noscript.Text(), 2) if len(matches) == 1 { changed = true noscript.ReplaceWithHtml(matches[0]) } }) } if changed { output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } return entryContent } func addDynamicIframe(entryURL, entryContent string) string { doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } // Ordered most preferred to least preferred. candidateAttrs := []string{ "data-src", "data-original", "data-orig", "data-url", "data-lazy-src", } changed := false doc.Find("iframe").Each(func(i int, iframe *goquery.Selection) { for _, candidateAttr := range candidateAttrs { if srcAttr, found := iframe.Attr(candidateAttr); found { changed = true iframe.SetAttr("src", srcAttr) break } } }) if changed { output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } return entryContent } func fixMediumImages(entryURL, entryContent string) string { doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } doc.Find("figure.paragraph-image").Each(func(i int, paragraphImage *goquery.Selection) { noscriptElement := paragraphImage.Find("noscript") if noscriptElement.Length() > 0 { paragraphImage.ReplaceWithHtml(noscriptElement.Text()) } }) output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } func useNoScriptImages(entryURL, entryContent string) string { doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } doc.Find("figure").Each(func(i int, figureElement *goquery.Selection) { imgElement := figureElement.Find("img") if imgElement.Length() > 0 { noscriptElement := figureElement.Find("noscript") if noscriptElement.Length() > 0 { figureElement.PrependHtml(noscriptElement.Text()) imgElement.Remove() noscriptElement.Remove() } } }) output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } func addYoutubeVideo(entryURL, entryContent string) string { matches := youtubeRegex.FindStringSubmatch(entryURL) if len(matches) == 2 { video := `` return video + `` + entryContent } return entryContent } func addYoutubeVideoUsingInvidiousPlayer(entryURL, entryContent string) string { matches := youtubeRegex.FindStringSubmatch(entryURL) if len(matches) == 2 { video := `` return video + `` + entryContent } return entryContent } func addYoutubeVideoFromId(entryContent string) string { matches := youtubeIdRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(entryContent, -1) if matches == nil { return entryContent } sb := strings.Builder{} for _, match := range matches { if len(match) == 2 { sb.WriteString(``) } } sb.WriteString(entryContent) return sb.String() } func addInvidiousVideo(entryURL, entryContent string) string { matches := invidioRegex.FindStringSubmatch(entryURL) if len(matches) == 3 { video := `` return video + `` + entryContent } return entryContent } func addPDFLink(entryURL, entryContent string) string { if strings.HasSuffix(entryURL, ".pdf") { return fmt.Sprintf(`PDF%s`, entryURL, entryContent) } return entryContent } func replaceTextLinks(input string) string { return textLinkRegex.ReplaceAllString(input, `${1}`) } func replaceLineFeeds(input string) string { return strings.Replace(input, "\n", "", -1) } func replaceCustom(entryContent string, searchTerm string, replaceTerm string) string { re, err := regexp.Compile(searchTerm) if err == nil { return re.ReplaceAllString(entryContent, replaceTerm) } return entryContent } func removeCustom(entryContent string, selector string) string { doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } doc.Find(selector).Remove() output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } func addCastopodEpisode(entryURL, entryContent string) string { player := `` return player + `` + entryContent } func applyFuncOnTextContent(entryContent string, selector string, repl func(string) string) string { var treatChildren func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) treatChildren = func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { if s.Nodes[0].Type == 1 { s.ReplaceWithHtml(repl(s.Nodes[0].Data)) } else { s.Contents().Each(treatChildren) } } doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } doc.Find(selector).Each(treatChildren) output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } func decodeBase64Content(entryContent string) string { if ret, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(strings.TrimSpace(entryContent)); err != nil { return entryContent } else { return html.EscapeString(string(ret)) } } func addHackerNewsLinksUsing(entryContent, app string) string { doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } hn_prefix := "https://news.ycombinator.com/" matches := doc.Find(`a[href^="` + hn_prefix + `"]`) if matches.Length() > 0 { matches.Each(func(i int, a *goquery.Selection) { hrefAttr, _ := a.Attr("href") hn_uri, err := url.Parse(hrefAttr) if err != nil { return } if app == "opener" { params := url.Values{} params.Add("url", hn_uri.String()) url := url.URL{ Scheme: "opener", Host: "x-callback-url", Path: "show-options", RawQuery: params.Encode(), } open_with_opener := `Open with Opener` a.Parent().AppendHtml(" " + open_with_opener) } else if app == "hack" { url := strings.Replace(hn_uri.String(), hn_prefix, "hack://", 1) open_with_hack := `Open with HACK` a.Parent().AppendHtml(" " + open_with_hack) } else { slog.Warn("Unknown app provided for openHackerNewsLinksWith rewrite rule", slog.String("app", app), ) return } }) output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } return entryContent } func parseMarkdown(entryContent string) string { var sb strings.Builder md := goldmark.New( goldmark.WithRendererOptions( goldmarkhtml.WithUnsafe(), ), ) if err := md.Convert([]byte(entryContent), &sb); err != nil { return entryContent } return sb.String() } func removeTables(entryContent string) string { doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(entryContent)) if err != nil { return entryContent } selectors := []string{"table", "tbody", "thead", "td", "th", "td"} var loopElement *goquery.Selection for _, selector := range selectors { for { loopElement = doc.Find(selector).First() if loopElement.Length() == 0 { break } innerHtml, err := loopElement.Html() if err != nil { break } loopElement.Parent().AppendHtml(innerHtml) loopElement.Remove() } } output, _ := doc.Find("body").First().Html() return output } func removeClickbait(entryTitle string) string { titleWords := []string{} for _, word := range strings.Fields(entryTitle) { runes := []rune(word) if len(runes) > 1 { // keep first rune as is to keep the first capital letter titleWords = append(titleWords, string([]rune{runes[0]})+strings.ToLower(string(runes[1:]))) } else { titleWords = append(titleWords, word) } } return strings.Join(titleWords, " ") }
` + html.EscapeString(titleAttr) + `