package css // import "" import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "testing" "" "" ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// func TestParse(t *testing.T) { var parseTests = []struct { inline bool css string expected string }{ {true, " x : y ; ", "x:y;"}, {true, "color: red;", "color:red;"}, {true, "color : red;", "color:red;"}, {true, "color: red; border: 0;", "color:red;border:0;"}, {true, "color: red !important;", "color:red!important;"}, {true, "color: red ! important;", "color:red!important;"}, {true, "white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;", "white-space:-moz-pre-wrap;"}, {true, "display: -moz-inline-stack;", "display:-moz-inline-stack;"}, {true, "x: 10px / 1em;", "x:10px/1em;"}, {true, "x: 1em/1.5em \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif;", "x:1em/1.5em \"Times New Roman\",Times,serif;"}, {true, "x: hsla(100,50%, 75%, 0.5);", "x:hsla(100,50%,75%,0.5);"}, {true, "x: hsl(100,50%, 75%);", "x:hsl(100,50%,75%);"}, {true, "x: rgba(255, 238 , 221, 0.3);", "x:rgba(255,238,221,0.3);"}, {true, "x: 50vmax;", "x:50vmax;"}, {true, "color: linear-gradient(to right, black, white);", "color:linear-gradient(to right,black,white);"}, {true, "color: calc(100%/2 - 1em);", "color:calc(100%/2 - 1em);"}, {true, "color: calc(100%/2--1em);", "color:calc(100%/2--1em);"}, {false, "", ""}, {false, "@media print, screen { }", "@media print,screen{}"}, {false, "@media { @viewport ; }", "@media{@viewport;}"}, {false, "@keyframes 'diagonal-slide' { from { left: 0; top: 0; } to { left: 100px; top: 100px; } }", "@keyframes 'diagonal-slide'{from{left:0;top:0;}to{left:100px;top:100px;}}"}, {false, "@keyframes movingbox{0%{left:90%;}50%{left:10%;}100%{left:90%;}}", "@keyframes movingbox{0%{left:90%;}50%{left:10%;}100%{left:90%;}}"}, {false, ".foo { color: #fff;}", ".foo{color:#fff;}"}, {false, ".foo { ; _color: #fff;}", ".foo{_color:#fff;}"}, {false, "a { color: red; border: 0; }", "a{color:red;border:0;}"}, {false, "a { color: red; border: 0; } b { padding: 0; }", "a{color:red;border:0;}b{padding:0;}"}, {false, "/* comment */", "/* comment */"}, // extraordinary {true, "color: red;;", "color:red;"}, {true, "color:#c0c0c0", "color:#c0c0c0;"}, {true, "background:URL(x.png);", "background:URL(x.png);"}, {true, "filter: progid : DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1);", "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1);"}, {true, "/*a*/\n/*c*/\nkey: value;", "key:value;"}, {true, "@-moz-charset;", "@-moz-charset;"}, {true, "--custom-variable: (0;) ;", "--custom-variable: (0;) ;"}, {false, "@import;@import;", "@import;@import;"}, {false, ".a .b#c, .d<.e { x:y; }", ".a .b#c,.d<.e{x:y;}"}, {false, ".a[b~=c]d { x:y; }", ".a[b~=c]d{x:y;}"}, // {false, "{x:y;}", "{x:y;}"}, {false, "a{}", "a{}"}, {false, "a,.b/*comment*/ {x:y;}", "a,.b{x:y;}"}, {false, "a,.b/*comment*/.c {x:y;}", "a,.b.c{x:y;}"}, {false, "a{x:; z:q;}", "a{x:;z:q;}"}, {false, "@font-face { x:y; }", "@font-face{x:y;}"}, {false, "a:not([controls]){x:y;}", "a:not([controls]){x:y;}"}, {false, "@document regexp('https:.*') { p { color: red; } }", "@document regexp('https:.*'){p{color:red;}}"}, {false, "@media all and ( max-width:400px ) { }", "@media all and (max-width:400px){}"}, {false, "@media (max-width:400px) { }", "@media(max-width:400px){}"}, {false, "@media (max-width:400px)", "@media(max-width:400px);"}, {false, "@font-face { ; font:x; }", "@font-face{font:x;}"}, {false, "@-moz-font-face { ; font:x; }", "@-moz-font-face{font:x;}"}, {false, "@unknown abc { {} lala }", "@unknown abc{{}lala}"}, {false, "a[x={}]{x:y;}", "a[x={}]{x:y;}"}, {false, "a[x=,]{x:y;}", "a[x=,]{x:y;}"}, {false, "a[x=+]{x:y;}", "a[x=+]{x:y;}"}, {false, ".cla .ss > #id { x:y; }", ".cla .ss>#id{x:y;}"}, {false, ".cla /*a*/ /*b*/ .ss{}", ".cla .ss{}"}, {false, "a{x:f(a(),b);}", "a{x:f(a(),b);}"}, {false, "a{x:y!z;}", "a{x:y!z;}"}, {false, "[class*=\"column\"]+[class*=\"column\"]:last-child{a:b;}", "[class*=\"column\"]+[class*=\"column\"]:last-child{a:b;}"}, {false, "@media { @viewport }", "@media{@viewport;}"}, {false, "table { @unknown }", "table{@unknown;}"}, // early endings {false, "selector{", "selector{"}, {false, "@media{selector{", "@media{selector{"}, // bad grammar {true, "~color:red", "~color:red;"}, {false, ".foo { *color: #fff;}", ".foo{*color:#fff;}"}, {true, "*color: red; font-size: 12pt;", "*color:red;font-size:12pt;"}, {true, "_color: red; font-size: 12pt;", "_color:red;font-size:12pt;"}, // issues {false, "@media print {.class{width:5px;}}", "@media print{.class{width:5px;}}"}, // #6 {false, ".class{width:calc((50% + 2em)/2 + 14px);}", ".class{width:calc((50% + 2em)/2 + 14px);}"}, // #7 {false, ".class [c=y]{}", ".class [c=y]{}"}, // tdewolff/minify#16 {false, "table{font-family:Verdana}", "table{font-family:Verdana;}"}, // tdewolff/minify#22 // go-fuzz {false, "@-webkit-", "@-webkit-;"}, } for _, tt := range parseTests { t.Run(tt.css, func(t *testing.T) { output := "" p := NewParser(bytes.NewBufferString(tt.css), tt.inline) for { grammar, _, data := p.Next() data = parse.Copy(data) if grammar == ErrorGrammar { if err := p.Err(); err != io.EOF { for _, val := range p.Values() { data = append(data, val.Data...) } if perr, ok := err.(*parse.Error); ok && perr.Message == "unexpected token in declaration" { data = append(data, ";"...) } } else { test.T(t, err, io.EOF) break } } else if grammar == AtRuleGrammar || grammar == BeginAtRuleGrammar || grammar == QualifiedRuleGrammar || grammar == BeginRulesetGrammar || grammar == DeclarationGrammar || grammar == CustomPropertyGrammar { if grammar == DeclarationGrammar || grammar == CustomPropertyGrammar { data = append(data, ":"...) } for _, val := range p.Values() { data = append(data, val.Data...) } if grammar == BeginAtRuleGrammar || grammar == BeginRulesetGrammar { data = append(data, "{"...) } else if grammar == AtRuleGrammar || grammar == DeclarationGrammar || grammar == CustomPropertyGrammar { data = append(data, ";"...) } else if grammar == QualifiedRuleGrammar { data = append(data, ","...) } } output += string(data) } test.String(t, output, tt.expected) }) } test.T(t, ErrorGrammar.String(), "Error") test.T(t, AtRuleGrammar.String(), "AtRule") test.T(t, BeginAtRuleGrammar.String(), "BeginAtRule") test.T(t, EndAtRuleGrammar.String(), "EndAtRule") test.T(t, BeginRulesetGrammar.String(), "BeginRuleset") test.T(t, EndRulesetGrammar.String(), "EndRuleset") test.T(t, DeclarationGrammar.String(), "Declaration") test.T(t, TokenGrammar.String(), "Token") test.T(t, CommentGrammar.String(), "Comment") test.T(t, CustomPropertyGrammar.String(), "CustomProperty") test.T(t, GrammarType(100).String(), "Invalid(100)") } func TestParseError(t *testing.T) { var parseErrorTests = []struct { inline bool css string col int }{ {false, "selector", 9}, {true, "color 0", 8}, {true, "--color 0", 10}, {true, "--custom-variable:0", 0}, } for _, tt := range parseErrorTests { t.Run(tt.css, func(t *testing.T) { p := NewParser(bytes.NewBufferString(tt.css), tt.inline) for { grammar, _, _ := p.Next() if grammar == ErrorGrammar { if tt.col == 0 { test.T(t, p.Err(), io.EOF) } else if perr, ok := p.Err().(*parse.Error); ok { test.T(t, perr.Col, tt.col) } else { test.Fail(t, "bad error:", p.Err()) } break } } }) } } func TestReader(t *testing.T) { input := "x:a;" p := NewParser(test.NewPlainReader(bytes.NewBufferString(input)), true) for { grammar, _, _ := p.Next() if grammar == ErrorGrammar { break } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type Obj struct{} func (*Obj) F() {} var f1 func(*Obj) func BenchmarkFuncPtr(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { f1 = (*Obj).F } } var f2 func() func BenchmarkMemFuncPtr(b *testing.B) { obj := &Obj{} for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { f2 = obj.F } } func ExampleNewParser() { p := NewParser(bytes.NewBufferString("color: red;"), true) // false because this is the content of an inline style attribute out := "" for { gt, _, data := p.Next() if gt == ErrorGrammar { break } else if gt == AtRuleGrammar || gt == BeginAtRuleGrammar || gt == BeginRulesetGrammar || gt == DeclarationGrammar { out += string(data) if gt == DeclarationGrammar { out += ":" } for _, val := range p.Values() { out += string(val.Data) } if gt == BeginAtRuleGrammar || gt == BeginRulesetGrammar { out += "{" } else if gt == AtRuleGrammar || gt == DeclarationGrammar { out += ";" } } else { out += string(data) } } fmt.Println(out) // Output: color:red; }