[front/feat] add active style
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 90 additions and 43 deletions
@ -1,74 +1,121 @@
(ns frontend.app
(ns frontend.app
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
(:require [reagent.dom.client :as rdom]
[reagent.dom.client :as rdom]
[reitit.frontend :as rf]
[reitit.frontend :as rf]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
[reitit.frontend.controllers :as rfc]
[spec-tools.data-spec :as ds]
[spec-tools.data-spec :as ds]
[re-frame.core :refer [dispatch dispatch-sync reg-event-db clear-subscription-cache! reg-event-fx reg-sub
subscribe ]]))
(defn home-page []
(defn home-page []
:h2 "Home"]
:h2 "Home"]
{:type "button"
{:type "button"
:on-click #(rfe/push-state ::item {:id 3})}
:on-click #(rfe/push-state :item {:id 431038004})}
"Item 3"])
"Item 431038004"])
(defn about-page []
(defn about-page []
[:h2 "About"]
[:h2 "About"]
[:li [:a {:href "stub"} "Source code"]]]
[:li [:a {:href "stub"} "Source code"]]]])
(defn item-page []
(let [current-route @(subscribe [::current-route])
(defn item-page [match]
id (get-in current-route [:path-params :id])]
(let [{:keys [path query]} (:parameters match)
{:keys [id]} path]
[:h2 "Selected item " id]
[:h2 "Selected item " id]]))
(if (:foo query)
[:p "Optional foo query param: " (:foo query)])]))
(defonce match (r/atom nil))
(defn current-page []
[:div {:class "container p-2 mx-auto"}
[:div {:class "flex flex-row flex-wrap py-4"}
[:div {:class "w-full sm:w-1/3 md:w-1/4 px-2"}
[:div {:class "sticky top-0 p-4 bg-slate-300 rounded-xl w-full"}
[:ul {:class "nav flex flex-col overflow-hidden"}
[:li [:a {:href (rfe/href ::frontpage)} "Home"]]
[:li [:a {:href (rfe/href ::about)} "About"]]
[:li [:a {:href (rfe/href ::item {:id 1})} "Item 1"]]]]]
(if @match
(let [view (:view (:data @match))]
[:div {:class "w-full sm:w-2/3 md:w-3/4 pt-1 px-2"} [view @match]]))]])
(def routes
(def routes
{:name ::frontpage
:view home-page}]
{:name :frontpage
:view home-page
{:name ::about
:link-text "Home"}]
:view about-page}]
{:name :about
{:name ::item
:view about-page
:view item-page
:link-text "About"}]
:parameters {:path {:id int?}
:query {(ds/opt :foo) keyword?}}}]
{:name :item
:view item-page
:link-text "Item"
:parameters {:path {:id int?}
:query {(ds/opt :foo) keyword?}}}]]])
(def router
(reg-event-db :initialize-db
(fn [_ _]
{:set-active-page nil}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {:keys [page id]}]]
(let [set-page (assoc db :active-page page)]
(case page
;; -- URL @ "/" --------------------------------------------------------
"/" {:db set-page}))))
(reg-sub ::current-route
(fn [db]
(:current-route db)))
(reg-event-db ::navigated
(fn [db [_ new-match]]
(let [old-match (:current-route db)
controllers (rfc/apply-controllers (:controllers old-match) new-match)]
(assoc db :current-route (assoc new-match :controllers controllers)))))
(def history
#(dispatch [:set-active-page {:page (:path %)
:id (get-in % [:path-params :id])}]))
(defn on-navigate [new-match]
(when new-match
(dispatch [::navigated new-match])))
(defn nav [{:keys [current-route]}]
(js/console.log current-route)
(let [active #(when (= % (-> current-route :data :name)) "> ")]
[:ul {:class "nav flex flex-col overflow-hidden"}
[:a {:href (rfe/href :frontpage)} (active :frontpage) "Home"]]
[:a {:href (rfe/href :about)} (active :about) "About"]]
[:a {:href (rfe/href :item {:id 233})} (active :item) "Item 233"]]]))
(defn current-page []
(let [current-route @(subscribe [::current-route])]
[:div {:class "container p-2 mx-auto"}
[:div {:class "flex flex-row flex-wrap py-4"}
[:div {:class "w-full sm:w-1/3 md:w-1/4 px-2"}
[:div {:class "sticky top-0 p-4 bg-slate-300 rounded-xl w-full"}
[nav {:current-route current-route}]]]
(when current-route
[:div {:class "w-full sm:w-2/3 md:w-3/4 pt-1 px-2"}
[(-> current-route :data :view)]])]]))
(defonce root (rdom/create-root (js/document.getElementById "app")))
(defonce root (rdom/create-root (js/document.getElementById "app")))
(defn ^:dev/after-load start []
(defn ^:dev/after-load start []
(rdom/render root [current-page] ))
(rdom/render root [current-page {:router router}] ))
(defn init []
(defn init []
(dispatch-sync [:initialize-db])
(rf/router routes)
(fn [m] (reset! match m))
{:use-fragment true})
{:use-fragment true})
(js/console.log "init")
(js/console.log "init")
Reference in a new issue