import os import sys import tomli_w import asyncio from pathlib import Path from prompt_toolkit import prompt from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings from invoke import Context # type: ignore from invoke import run # type: ignore from invoke import task # type: ignore _kb = KeyBindings() @_kb.add("c-@") def _(event): """Save multi-line buffer on CTRL + space""" event.current_buffer.validate_and_handle() @task def config(ctx): from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA _ROOT_DIR = Path().parent.resolve() _KEY_PATH = _ROOT_DIR / "data" / "key.pem" if _KEY_PATH.exists(): print("is existing!") sys.exit(2) else: k = RSA.generate(2048) privkey_pem = k.exportKey("PEM").decode("utf-8") _KEY_PATH.write_text(privkey_pem) config_file = Path("data/config.toml") if config_file.exists(): print("is existing!") sys.exit(2) config_dict: dict = {} config_dict["domain"] = prompt("domain: ") config_dict["username"] = prompt("username: ") config_dict["name"] = prompt("name (e.g. John Doe): ", default=config_dict["username"]) config_dict["summary"] = prompt("summary: ") config_dict["https"] = True proto = "https" yn = "" while yn not in ["y", "n"]: yn = prompt("will the site be served via https? (y/n): ", default="y").lower() if yn == "n": config_dict["https"] = False proto = "http" config_dict["icon_url"] = prompt( "icon URL: ", default=f'{proto}://{config_dict["domain"]}/static/nopic.png' ) config_dict["secret"] = os.urandom(16).hex() with"w") as f: f.write(tomli_w.dumps(config_dict)) print("Done") sys.exit(0) @task def follow(ctx): from app.database import async_session from app.boxes import send_follow acct = prompt("enter want to follow actor id:") async def _dodo(): async with async_session() as db_session: #type: ignore await send_follow(db_session,acct) print("Done!") @task def accept_follow_again(ctx): from app.database import async_session from sqlalchemy import select from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from app import models from app.boxes import _send_accept inbox_id = prompt("enter want to accept inbox id:") async def _do(): async with async_session() as db_session: #type: ignore try: exist_inbox = ( await db_session.scalars( select(models.InboxObject).where( == int(inbox_id) ).options( joinedload( ) ) ).one_or_none() await _send_accept( db_session,, exist_inbox, ) await db_session.commit() except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: Failed to {e}") return print("Done!") @task def accept_follow(ctx): from app.database import async_session from sqlalchemy import select from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from app import models from app.boxes import _send_accept ingress_id = prompt("enter want to accept ingress id:") async def _do(): async with async_session() as db_session: #type: ignore try: exist_request = ( await db_session.scalars( select(models.IncomingActivity).where( == int(ingress_id) ) ) ).one_or_none() if not exist_request or exist_request.ap_object["type"] != "Follow": raise ValueError("Non-valid id!") exist_inbox = ( await db_session.scalars( select(models.InboxObject).where( models.InboxObject.ap_id == exist_request.ap_id ).options( joinedload( ) ) ).one_or_none() await _send_accept( db_session,, exist_inbox, ) await db_session.delete(exist_request) await db_session.commit() except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: Failed to {e}") return print("Done!") @task def send_note(ctx): from app.database import async_session from app.activitypub import VisibilityEnum from app.boxes import _send_create from app.orgpython import to_html content = prompt( ( "note contents, in org mode, " "use [CTRL] + [SPACE] to submit:\n" ), key_bindings=_kb, multiline=True, ) content = to_html(content).replace("\n", "") async def _dodo(): async with async_session() as db_session: #type: ignore await _send_create( db_session, "Note", content, VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC ) print("Done!") @task def get_object(ctx, ap_type): import hy from app.database import async_session from app.hysql import selete_object from pprint import pprint async def _dodo(): async with async_session() as db_session: #type: ignore return await selete_object( db_session, ap_type ) res = for ap_object in res: print("=====") print( ) print(ap_object.ap_id) pprint(ap_object.ap_object)