;;; Copyright (C) 2024 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at ;;; ;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ;;; ;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ;;; limitations under the License. ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Example game showing off several common game programming things. ;;; ;;; Code: (use-modules (scheme base) (dom document) (dom element) (dom event) (math vector) (hoot ffi) (hoot hashtables) (ice-9 match)) (define *template* '()) (define (wrap-template template) `(div (@ (id "container")) (button (@ (click ,(lambda (event) (set! *template* template-click) (render)))) "Click") (button (@ (click ,(lambda (event) (set! *template* template-task) (render)))) "Task") (div (@ (id "application")) ,(template)))) (define (render) (let ((old (get-element-by-id "container"))) (unless (external-null? old) (remove! old)) (append-child! (document-body) (sxml->dom (wrap-template *template*))))) (define (sxml->dom exp) (match exp ;; The simple case: a string representing a text node. ((? string? str) (make-text-node str)) ;; An element tree. The first item is the HTML tag. (((? symbol? tag) . body) ;; Create a new element with the given tag. (let ((elem (make-element (symbol->string tag)))) (define (add-children children) ;; Recursively call sxml->dom for each child node and ;; append it to elem. (for-each (lambda (child) (append-child! elem (sxml->dom child))) children)) (match body ;; '@' denotes an attribute list. Child nodes follow. ((('@ . attrs) . children) ;; Set attributes. (for-each (lambda (attr) (match attr ;; Attributes are (symbol string) tuples. (((? symbol? name) (? string? val)) (set-attribute! elem (symbol->string name) val)) (((? symbol? name) (? boolean? val)) (set-attribute! elem (symbol->string name) val)) (((? symbol? name) (? procedure? proc)) (add-event-listener! elem (symbol->string name) (procedure->external proc))))) attrs) (add-children children)) ;; No attributes, just a list of child nodes. (children (add-children children))) elem)))) ;; Click (define *clicks* 0) (define (template-click) `(div (p ,(number->string *clicks*) " clicks") (button (@ (click ,(lambda (event) (set! *clicks* (+ *clicks* 1)) (render)))) "Click me!"))) ;; Task (define-record-type (make-task name done?) task? (name task-name) (done? task-done? set-task-done!)) (define *tasks* '()) (define (add-task! task) (set! *tasks* (cons task *tasks*))) (define (remove-task! task) (set! *tasks* (delq task *tasks*))) (define (template-task) (define (task-template task) `(li (input (@ (type "checkbox") (change ,(lambda (event) (let* ((checkbox (event-target event)) (checked? (element-checked? checkbox))) (set-task-done! task checked?) (render)))) (checked ,(task-done? task)))) (span (@ (style "padding: 0 1em 0 1em;")) ,(if (task-done? task) `(s ,(task-name task)) (task-name task))) (a (@ (href "#") (click ,(lambda (event) (remove-task! task) (render)))) "remove"))) `(div (h2 "Tasks") ;; Tasks are stored in reverse order. (ul ,@(map task-template (reverse *tasks*))) (input (@ (id "new-task") (placeholder "Write more task"))) ;; Add new task on click (button (@ (click ,(lambda (event) (let* ((input (get-element-by-id "new-task")) (name (element-value input))) (unless (string=? name "") (add-task! (make-task name #f)) (set-element-value! input "") (render)))))) "Add task"))) ;; Main (set! *template* template-task) (render)