slogan: "KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON." show_heart: true show_slogan: true menu: - title: 归档 url: archives intro: "All the articles." # icon: "fa fa-archive" - title: 分类 url: categories intro: "All the categories." # icon: "fa fa-folder" - title: 标签 url: tags intro: "All the tags." # icon: "fa fa-tags" - title: RSS url: rss2.xml intro: "Subscribe me." - title: 友链 url: friends intro: "朋友们" - title: 狐说 url: foxsay intro: "狐狸怎么叫?" - title : 开往 url: travellings intro: "一群狼走得更远" icon: "fas fa-subway" - title : 虫洞 url: go intro : "十年之约" icon: "fas fa-bahai" links: - title: About url: /about icon: "fas fa-question" - title: Friends url: /friends icon: "fas fa-user-friends" - title: RSS url: /rss2.xml intro: "Subscribe me." icon: "fas fa-rss" - title: Foxsay url: /foxsay intro: "OWO" icon: "fa fa-paw" - title: 开往 url: intro: "一群狼走得更远" icon: "fas fa-subway" - title: 虫洞 url: intro: "Freemind.386's Github repository." icon: "fas fa-bahai" # - title: "My Github" # url: # intro: "My Github account." # icon: "fa fa-github" # - title: "My LinkedIn" # url: # intro: "My Linkin account." # icon: "fa fa-linkedin" widgets: - search - category - tagcloud # - recent_posts - links - fsf_member rss: fancybox: false favicon: favicon.png enable_comment: true # Analytics (change to yours) google_analytics: enable: false siteid: stub baidu_tongji: enable: false siteid: stun # search #swiftype_key: ZP2ZSuHgipSZfRyU8uTR