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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.matchAny = exports.convertPatternsToRe = exports.makeRe = exports.getPatternParts = exports.expandBraceExpansion = exports.expandPatternsWithBraceExpansion = exports.isAffectDepthOfReadingPattern = exports.endsWithSlashGlobStar = exports.hasGlobStar = exports.getBaseDirectory = exports.getPositivePatterns = exports.getNegativePatterns = exports.isPositivePattern = exports.isNegativePattern = exports.convertToNegativePattern = exports.convertToPositivePattern = exports.isDynamicPattern = exports.isStaticPattern = void 0;
const path = require("path");
const globParent = require("glob-parent");
const micromatch = require("micromatch");
const picomatch = require("picomatch");
const GLOBSTAR = '**';
const ESCAPE_SYMBOL = '\\';
const COMMON_GLOB_SYMBOLS_RE = /[*?]|^!/;
const REGEX_GROUP_SYMBOLS_RE = /(?:^|[^!*+?@])\(.*\|.*\)/;
const GLOB_EXTENSION_SYMBOLS_RE = /[!*+?@]\(.*\)/;
const BRACE_EXPANSIONS_SYMBOLS_RE = /{.*(?:,|\.\.).*}/;
function isStaticPattern(pattern, options = {}) {
return !isDynamicPattern(pattern, options);
exports.isStaticPattern = isStaticPattern;
function isDynamicPattern(pattern, options = {}) {
* A special case with an empty string is necessary for matching patterns that start with a forward slash.
* An empty string cannot be a dynamic pattern.
* For example, the pattern `/lib/*` will be spread into parts: '', 'lib', '*'.
if (pattern === '') {
return false;
* When the `caseSensitiveMatch` option is disabled, all patterns must be marked as dynamic, because we cannot check
* filepath directly (without read directory).
if (options.caseSensitiveMatch === false || pattern.includes(ESCAPE_SYMBOL)) {
return true;
if (COMMON_GLOB_SYMBOLS_RE.test(pattern) || REGEX_CHARACTER_CLASS_SYMBOLS_RE.test(pattern) || REGEX_GROUP_SYMBOLS_RE.test(pattern)) {
return true;
if (options.extglob !== false && GLOB_EXTENSION_SYMBOLS_RE.test(pattern)) {
return true;
if (options.braceExpansion !== false && BRACE_EXPANSIONS_SYMBOLS_RE.test(pattern)) {
return true;
return false;
exports.isDynamicPattern = isDynamicPattern;
function convertToPositivePattern(pattern) {
return isNegativePattern(pattern) ? pattern.slice(1) : pattern;
exports.convertToPositivePattern = convertToPositivePattern;
function convertToNegativePattern(pattern) {
return '!' + pattern;
exports.convertToNegativePattern = convertToNegativePattern;
function isNegativePattern(pattern) {
return pattern.startsWith('!') && pattern[1] !== '(';
exports.isNegativePattern = isNegativePattern;
function isPositivePattern(pattern) {
return !isNegativePattern(pattern);
exports.isPositivePattern = isPositivePattern;
function getNegativePatterns(patterns) {
return patterns.filter(isNegativePattern);
exports.getNegativePatterns = getNegativePatterns;
function getPositivePatterns(patterns) {
return patterns.filter(isPositivePattern);
exports.getPositivePatterns = getPositivePatterns;
function getBaseDirectory(pattern) {
return globParent(pattern, { flipBackslashes: false });
exports.getBaseDirectory = getBaseDirectory;
function hasGlobStar(pattern) {
return pattern.includes(GLOBSTAR);
exports.hasGlobStar = hasGlobStar;
function endsWithSlashGlobStar(pattern) {
return pattern.endsWith('/' + GLOBSTAR);
exports.endsWithSlashGlobStar = endsWithSlashGlobStar;
function isAffectDepthOfReadingPattern(pattern) {
const basename = path.basename(pattern);
return endsWithSlashGlobStar(pattern) || isStaticPattern(basename);
exports.isAffectDepthOfReadingPattern = isAffectDepthOfReadingPattern;
function expandPatternsWithBraceExpansion(patterns) {
return patterns.reduce((collection, pattern) => {
return collection.concat(expandBraceExpansion(pattern));
}, []);
exports.expandPatternsWithBraceExpansion = expandPatternsWithBraceExpansion;
function expandBraceExpansion(pattern) {
return micromatch.braces(pattern, {
expand: true,
nodupes: true
exports.expandBraceExpansion = expandBraceExpansion;
function getPatternParts(pattern, options) {
let { parts } = picomatch.scan(pattern, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { parts: true }));
* The scan method returns an empty array in some cases.
* See micromatch/picomatch#58 for more details.
if (parts.length === 0) {
parts = [pattern];
* The scan method does not return an empty part for the pattern with a forward slash.
* This is another part of micromatch/picomatch#58.
if (parts[0].startsWith('/')) {
parts[0] = parts[0].slice(1);
return parts;
exports.getPatternParts = getPatternParts;
function makeRe(pattern, options) {
return micromatch.makeRe(pattern, options);
exports.makeRe = makeRe;
function convertPatternsToRe(patterns, options) {
return patterns.map((pattern) => makeRe(pattern, options));
exports.convertPatternsToRe = convertPatternsToRe;
function matchAny(entry, patternsRe) {
return patternsRe.some((patternRe) => patternRe.test(entry));
exports.matchAny = matchAny;