2022-11-10 11:43:16 +01:00
import { Options as FastGlobOptions , Entry as FastGlobEntry } from 'fast-glob' ;
2021-02-26 04:58:33 +01:00
declare namespace globby {
type ExpandDirectoriesOption =
| boolean
| readonly string [ ]
| { files? : readonly string [ ] ; extensions? : readonly string [ ] } ;
2022-11-10 11:43:16 +01:00
type Entry = FastGlobEntry ;
2021-02-26 04:58:33 +01:00
interface GlobbyOptions extends FastGlobOptions {
/ * *
If set to ` true ` , ` globby ` will automatically glob directories for you . If you define an ` Array ` it will only glob files that matches the patterns inside the ` Array ` . You can also define an ` Object ` with ` files ` and ` extensions ` like in the example below .
Note that if you set this option to ` false ` , you won ' t get back matched directories unless you set ` onlyFiles: false ` .
@default true
` ` `
import globby = require ( 'globby' ) ;
( async ( ) = > {
const paths = await globby ( 'images' , {
expandDirectories : {
files : [ 'cat' , 'unicorn' , '*.jpg' ] ,
extensions : [ 'png' ]
} ) ;
console . log ( paths ) ;
//=> ['cat.png', 'unicorn.png', 'cow.jpg', 'rainbow.jpg']
} ) ( ) ;
` ` `
* /
readonly expandDirectories? : ExpandDirectoriesOption ;
/ * *
Respect ignore patterns in ` .gitignore ` files that apply to the globbed files .
@default false
* /
readonly gitignore? : boolean ;
interface GlobTask {
readonly pattern : string ;
readonly options : GlobbyOptions ;
interface GitignoreOptions {
readonly cwd? : string ;
readonly ignore? : readonly string [ ] ;
type FilterFunction = ( path : string ) = > boolean ;
interface Gitignore {
/ * *
@returns A filter function indicating whether a given path is ignored via a ` .gitignore ` file .
* /
sync : ( options? : globby.GitignoreOptions ) = > globby . FilterFunction ;
/ * *
` .gitignore ` files matched by the ignore config are not used for the resulting filter function .
@returns A filter function indicating whether a given path is ignored via a ` .gitignore ` file .
` ` `
import { gitignore } from 'globby' ;
( async ( ) = > {
const isIgnored = await gitignore ( ) ;
console . log ( isIgnored ( 'some/file' ) ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
` ` `
* /
( options? : globby.GitignoreOptions ) : Promise < globby.FilterFunction > ;
declare const globby : {
/ * *
Find files and directories using glob patterns .
Note that glob patterns can only contain forward - slashes , not backward - slashes , so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components , you need to use ` path.posix.join() ` instead of ` path.join() ` .
@param patterns - See the supported [ glob patterns ] ( https : //github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
@param options - See the [ ` fast-glob ` options ] ( https : //github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3) in addition to the ones in this package.
@returns The matching paths .
* /
2022-11-10 11:43:16 +01:00
sync : ( (
patterns : string | readonly string [ ] ,
options : globby.GlobbyOptions & { objectMode : true }
) = > globby . Entry [ ] ) & ( (
2021-02-26 04:58:33 +01:00
patterns : string | readonly string [ ] ,
options? : globby.GlobbyOptions
2022-11-10 11:43:16 +01:00
) = > string [ ] ) ;
2021-02-26 04:58:33 +01:00
/ * *
Find files and directories using glob patterns .
Note that glob patterns can only contain forward - slashes , not backward - slashes , so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components , you need to use ` path.posix.join() ` instead of ` path.join() ` .
@param patterns - See the supported [ glob patterns ] ( https : //github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
@param options - See the [ ` fast-glob ` options ] ( https : //github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3) in addition to the ones in this package.
@returns The stream of matching paths .
` ` `
import globby = require ( 'globby' ) ;
( async ( ) = > {
for await ( const path of globby . stream ( '*.tmp' ) ) {
console . log ( path ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
` ` `
* /
stream : (
patterns : string | readonly string [ ] ,
options? : globby.GlobbyOptions
) = > NodeJS . ReadableStream ;
/ * *
Note that you should avoid running the same tasks multiple times as they contain a file system cache . Instead , run this method each time to ensure file system changes are taken into consideration .
@param patterns - See the supported [ glob patterns ] ( https : //github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
@param options - See the [ ` fast-glob ` options ] ( https : //github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3) in addition to the ones in this package.
@returns An object in the format ` {pattern: string, options: object} ` , which can be passed as arguments to [ ` fast-glob ` ] ( https : //github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob). This is useful for other globbing-related packages.
* /
generateGlobTasks : (
patterns : string | readonly string [ ] ,
options? : globby.GlobbyOptions
) = > globby . GlobTask [ ] ;
/ * *
Note that the options affect the results .
This function is backed by [ ` fast-glob ` ] ( https : //github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#isdynamicpatternpattern-options).
@param patterns - See the supported [ glob patterns ] ( https : //github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
@param options - See the [ ` fast-glob ` options ] ( https : //github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3).
@returns Whether there are any special glob characters in the ` patterns ` .
* /
hasMagic : (
patterns : string | readonly string [ ] ,
options? : FastGlobOptions
) = > boolean ;
readonly gitignore : Gitignore ;
2022-11-10 11:43:16 +01:00
patterns : string | readonly string [ ] ,
options : globby.GlobbyOptions & { objectMode : true }
) : Promise < globby.Entry [ ] > ;
2021-02-26 04:58:33 +01:00
/ * *
Find files and directories using glob patterns .
Note that glob patterns can only contain forward - slashes , not backward - slashes , so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components , you need to use ` path.posix.join() ` instead of ` path.join() ` .
@param patterns - See the supported [ glob patterns ] ( https : //github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
@param options - See the [ ` fast-glob ` options ] ( https : //github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3) in addition to the ones in this package.
@returns The matching paths .
` ` `
import globby = require ( 'globby' ) ;
( async ( ) = > {
const paths = await globby ( [ '*' , '!cake' ] ) ;
console . log ( paths ) ;
//=> ['unicorn', 'rainbow']
} ) ( ) ;
` ` `
* /
patterns : string | readonly string [ ] ,
options? : globby.GlobbyOptions
) : Promise < string [ ] > ;
} ;
export = globby ;