const core = require('@actions/core'); // const exec = require('@actions/exec'); const tc = require('@actions/tool-cache'); const io = require('@actions/io'); // const wait = require('./wait'); // most @actions toolkit packages have async methods async function run() { try { // const ms = core.getInput('milliseconds'); // console.log(`Waiting ${ms} milliseconds ...`) // core.debug((new Date()).toTimeString()) // wait(parseInt(ms)); // core.debug((new Date()).toTimeString()) // core.setOutput('time', new Date().toTimeString()); let hugoVersion = core.getInput('hugo-version'); if (!hugoVersion) { // TODO: get latest version of Hugo hugoVersion = '0.58.2'; } core.debug('Hugo version:', hugoVersion); let extended = core.getInput('extended'); if (!extended) { extended = false; } core.debug('Hugo extended:', extended); let extendedStr = ''; if (extended) { extendedStr = 'extended_'; } const hugoName = `hugo_${extendedStr}${hugoVersion}_Linux-64bit`; core.debug('hugoName:', hugoName); const hugoURL = `${hugoVersion}/${hugoName}.tar.gz`; core.debug('hugoURL:', hugoURL); const hugoPath = '/github/home/bin'; await io.mkdirP(hugoPath); const hugoTarball = await tc.downloadTool(hugoURL); const hugoExtractedFolder = await tc.extractTar(hugoTarball, '/tmp'); core.debug('hugoExtractedFolder:', hugoExtractedFolder); await`${hugoExtractedFolder}/hugo`, hugoPath); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } run()