import * as main from '../src/main'; import * as io from '@actions/io'; import path from 'path'; import nock from 'nock'; import {Tool, Action} from '../src/constants'; import {FetchError} from 'node-fetch'; import jsonTestBrew from './data/brew.json'; // import jsonTestGithub from './data/github.json'; jest.setTimeout(30000); describe('Integration testing run()', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); }); afterEach(async () => { const workDir = path.join(`${process.env.HOME}`, Action.WorkDirName); await io.rmRF(workDir); delete process.env['INPUT_HUGO-VERSION']; nock.cleanAll(); }); test('succeed in installing a custom version', async () => { const testVersion = Tool.TestVersionSpec; process.env['INPUT_HUGO-VERSION'] = testVersion; const result: main.ActionResult = await; expect(result.exitcode).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toMatch(`hugo v${testVersion}`); }); test('succeed in installing a custom extended version', async () => { const testVersion = Tool.TestVersionSpec; process.env['INPUT_HUGO-VERSION'] = testVersion; process.env['INPUT_EXTENDED'] = 'true'; const result: main.ActionResult = await; expect(result.exitcode).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toMatch(`hugo v${testVersion}`); expect(result.output).toMatch(`extended`); }); test('succeed in installing the latest version', async () => { const testVersion = 'latest'; process.env['INPUT_HUGO-VERSION'] = testVersion; nock('').get(`/api/formula/${Tool.Repo}.json`).reply(200, jsonTestBrew); const result: main.ActionResult = await; expect(result.exitcode).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toMatch(`hugo v${Tool.TestVersionLatest}`); }); test('succeed in installing the latest extended version', async () => { const testVersion = 'latest'; process.env['INPUT_HUGO-VERSION'] = testVersion; process.env['INPUT_EXTENDED'] = 'true'; nock('').get(`/api/formula/${Tool.Repo}.json`).reply(200, jsonTestBrew); const result: main.ActionResult = await; expect(result.exitcode).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toMatch(`hugo v${Tool.TestVersionLatest}`); expect(result.output).toMatch(`extended`); }); test('fail to install the latest version due to 404 of brew', async () => { process.env['INPUT_HUGO-VERSION'] = 'latest'; nock('').get(`/api/formula/${Tool.Repo}.json`).reply(404); await expect(; }); }); describe('showVersion()', () => { let result: main.ActionResult = { exitcode: 0, output: '' }; test('return version', async () => { result = await main.showVersion('git', ['--version']); expect(result.exitcode).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toMatch(/git version/); }); test('return not found', async () => { await expect(main.showVersion('gitgit', ['--version'])).rejects.toThrowError(Error); }); });